Earwax Removal
Unclog your ears with a satisfying ear irrigation.
Excessive earwax build-up, also known as cerumen impaction, can lead to various uncomfortable and potentially problematic consequences. Earwax is a natural substance produced by the ear to help clean, lubricate, and protect the ear canal. However, when it accumulates and becomes impacted, it can cause the following issues:
- Hearing Loss: a build-up of excessive earwax can block the ear canal, leading to reduced hearing or even temporary hearing loss.
- Tinnitus: In some cases, a build-up of earwax can lead to tinnitus, which is a persistent ringing, buzzing, or hissing noise in the ear.
- Ear Pain: Impacted earwax can cause discomfort or pain in the affected ear. You may feel a fullness or pressure sensation in the ear, and it can be particularly painful if the wax pushes against the eardrum.
- Dizziness and Balance Problems: In rare cases, severe earwax impaction can affect the balance organs in the inner ear, leading to dizziness or vertigo.
- Infection: Earwax can provide a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi which can lead to ear pain, discharge, and fever.
We provide earwax removal by irrigation, a safe, non-invasive, fast and effective way to deal with excessive earwax. Instead of a syringe more commonly used by family doctors, we use a piece of specialised equipment designed by an Otologist to flush out impacted earwax. Many customers like the experience so much they say it is like going for an ear spa.